WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY PLANNING COMMITTEE 05/05/06: AGENDA CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE 19th May 2006 10:30am, The British Legion, Grantown on Spey AGENDA Item 1. Welcome 2. Apologies 3. Minutes of previous meeting (5th May 2006) and matters arising 4. Declaration of interest by members on any items appearing on the agenda 5. Planning Application Call-in Decisions * Mary Grier, Planning Officer Oral Presentation 6. Suggested Comments on Applications Not Called-In 7. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Phase 1 Holiday Accommodation Consisting of the Formation of an Access Road & Five Plots for Holiday Chalets on Land to the South West of 6-9 Balmenach Cottages, Cromdale (Outline Planning Permission) (05/478/CP) Mary Grier, Planning Officer Paper 1 * 8. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Demolition of Bedroom Wing and Erection of Four dwelling Units for Holiday Accommodation, Boat Hotel, Boat of Garten (Full Planning Permission) (04/382/CP) Andrew Tait, Planning Officer Paper 2 * 9. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Demolition of Existing Chalets and Erection of Lodge Hotel, High Range Motel, Grampian Road, Aviemore (Full Planning Permission) (05/018/CP) Andrew Tait, Planning Officer Paper 3 * 10 Report on Called-in Planning Application: Erection of Dwelling house, Land Opposite Fuaran Bhan, Balgowan, Laggan (Full Planning Permission) (06/043/CP) Neil Stewart, Planning Officer Paper 4 11. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Erection of 10 Houses (8 Private & 2 Affordable Units), Braes of Balnagowan, Nethybridge (Full Planning Permission) (06/106/CP) Neil Stewart, Planning Officer Paper 5 * 12. AOB 13. Date of next meeting and quorum requirement * Report/Papers to be issued Monday 15th May 2006